Thursday, 23 May 2019

Phlox Subulata "Atropurpurea"

Phlox Subulata or Atropurpurea is an evergreen perennial I like very much. It is strong and withstand winter cold easy. When flowering from April to June the plant gives a sea of purple flowers. A second bloom is not unlikely; the picture below was taken in (a rather warm and sunny) October 2018!
When not in bloom it looks with its small needle like leaves and 10-20 cm. height, great as miniature bushes. I planted it on a small pile of soil (hill) and it gives a kind of  bush/forest idea.

The plant tends to spread itself and taking over it surroundings. I have to cut it back along the tracks to make way for the trains as can be seen in this post.
You can also try to divide a part of the plant with some roots and plant these somewhere else in the garden.

Phlox Subulata October 2018

Phlox Subulata October 2018

September 2018 (just before the 2nd bloom!). This is how it looks like without the flowers.

Keeping the tracks free! April 2019

May 2019